CECA brings together equipment manufacturers from the Electronics and Telecommunications industry to have one voice to lead, advocate and influence in order to advance technology and connect the digital economy.

Did you know?

CECA and its predecessor associations is a Radio Advisory Board of Canada (RABC) member and has been a founding member since 1944. We actively participate at RABC and in consultations sent out by Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED).

RABC is an advisor to ISED on standards, guidelines, regulations, and policies and plays a key role in ensuring that radio communications networks, devices and equipment works as intended and that interference to services is minimized or non-existent. Members of RABC provide timely, accurate and broadly-based expert advice on the management and use of radio spectrum and offer informed technical non-partisan advice to the Canadian Government.

Making a Difference

We focus on numerous initiatives such as:

  • Environmental issues on electronic waste, toxic chemicals, flame retardants, plastics, recycling of electronics and IT Telecom equipment (EPR – Extended Producer Responsibility) to keep you informed and to take action when necessary
  • Harmonization of key programs, policies and regulations across all provinces and territories to make it easier for you to do business
  • Government consultations for proposed regulations and legislation to ensure you have a voice
  • Canadian and international cooperation regarding harmonization of regulations and policies, cross-border and globally, to make sure that you have influence on trade issues and agreements



We have our finger on the pulse of what is happening right now that has or might have an impact on electronics, and IT and telecommunications manufacturers. Our work includes but is not limited to participation in meetings, researching issues, notification from key resources and working with others.



We summarize our findings and develop a brief that highlights key concerns. Regularly scheduled updates and meetings keep our members informed and in the know.



Collectively we clarify our position with each of us sharing our knowledge and insights. A communication strategy is developed to ensure we are heard.



We connect with key stakeholders to present our case. From forming and/or joining coalitions to roundtables, we educate, inform and influence what is happening today and tomorrow - provincially, federally and around the world.

Why Join CECA?

As a CECA member you have a seat on the CECA board which provides the opportunity to influence decisions being made that impact electronics and telecommunications manufacturers. This includes:

  • Full participation and access to the Radio Advisory Board of Canada, including committees, working groups, meetings, special events and government consultations with the Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development
  • Representation, access, and participation with senior staff at the Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development
  • Representation of the industry in national legislative and regulatory processes
  • Government affairs, policy, and advocacy initiatives on behalf of industry for access and influence on key issues and areas of interest and concern
  • Association expertise on legislative, regulatory, standards and policy issues
  • Networking opportunities, including regular interaction with other companies and individuals from the industry with common concerns and objectives